Powered by EarnDLT’s QET Technology

Quantified Emissions Tokens®

EarnDLT® encodes verified assurance of environmental attributes from the point of production.


QETs enable Scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon emissions to be measured, recorded, and verified in an efficient and standardized manner.


QETs can be retired to enable GHG emission reduction claims through carbon insetting, which is superior and prioritized to nature-based carbon offsetting. 


EarnDLT automates QET retirement certificates and entitles buyers to claim credible, unique emissions reductions.

Benefits of QETs


Reduce data silos and fragmentation

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by providing a ubiquitous, trusted, and transactable medium for sustainability data storage and management.


Increase value creation and brand moat

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among stakeholders by channeling previously siloed data and realizing tangible benefits in adopting sustainability principles.


Enhance traceability and accountability of essential attributes data

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throughout the supply chain with data permanence, self-auditing capabilities, and carbon accounting integrity.


Ensure reporting with confidence

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across Scope 1, 2, and 3 reductions with sustainability metrics measured and verified by industry-leading science-based standards.

Streamline and Secure Your ESG Reporting with QETs

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Read the EarnDLT Whitepaper

Download our latest whitepaper about how EarnDLT® tokenizes Environmental Attributes and sets the standard for quantified emissions tracking.

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Our Latest

EarnDLT enables first-ever natural gas transactions using Quantified Emissions Tokens™ between Rockcliff and Proman

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Learn about how QETs can work for you

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